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Important Facts Cryo Cuff units how to choose between which unit to buy?


Some Important facts about cryo cuff therapy:

Questions                                                                   Answers
What is a cryotherapy?When a surgery is performed cryotheray helps in recovery process by providing extreme cold environment for the affected area and its surroundings.
How does cryo cuff system help in recovery process?

A doctor performing surgery will recommend it to the patient. It is one of the most important tools in your check list, as you will experience swelling and pain after the operation. Cold compression therapy will help you in reducing it. Compression therapy will also help you in recovering faster from intense physiotherapy sessions. Cold or Hot Therapy helps a patient in relieving the pain and swelling that is a by-product of surgery or some very extreme physio sessions.

What kind of Brands and systems are out there?

We have 2 brands on offer. Most common brand is Aircast and it comes in 2 types:

1)     The Gravity based system

2)     The IC pump system

The other brand we have on offer is Donjoy.

What is the difference between Gravity based and IC pump system?

The aircast gravity based system is low cost and the flow of water through the cuff can be controlled by lowering or raising the cooler at a certain height. If you raise the cooler higher the more compression or pressure a patient will feel.

The IC cooler also known as motorized cooler has a small electric motor in the lid hidden J to confuse you. This unit is little more expensive then gravity based system. But it helps in keeping the water flowing through the system automatically. IC cooler needs to be plugged in the wall and as water flows through the system it also provides compression periodically at regular intervals. The motor is a add on benefit at fraction of a cost and in some cases it does help in faster recovery process.

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