Padded Strap Arm Sling is great for supporting your shoulder and elbow. It works for both arms and stops your shoulder from rotating too much. The shoulder strap is soft foam with easy closure, making it comfy. It has a deep pocket for support and stays centered with an O-ring.
Active SA Sling offers comfort and function. It's made of high-quality black mesh for better airflow. It has two adjustable foam straps to fit any body type. The shoulder strap can be removed for arm suspension only. It also has a thumb loop for extra wrist support if needed. It has thicker padding for more comfort, round plastic rings for better stability, and improved thumb strap positioning for added comfort.
Bodyflex Tennis Elbow Support is designed to aid Tennis Elbow and Tendonitis. It has gel pad and strap for targeted compression. Made of breathable, water-resistant material. It offers a snug fit akin to a second skin. Ensuring comfort while reducing bulk and weight.
Deluxe Arm Sling is a lightweight sling with plenty of space. It comes with an over-the-shoulder strap, Velcro closure, and thumb loop for easy use. Plus, it has a neck pad for added comfort.
The Djo Procare Deluxe Arm Sling comes with a Pad. Pad offers generous arm support with its spacious envelope design. Constructed from cotton/poly materials. Sling features a web strap with contact closure for easy adjustment. A thumb loop prevents the sling from shifting, and a shoulder pad is included for added comfort. Ideal for cast support and addressing injuries to the arm, wrist, or hand. This sling provides excellent support and stability.