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Knee Pain-Ilo Tibial Band Friction Syndrome (ITB)


ITB is an overuse injury caused by friction between the ilio-tibial band and the outside of the femur. This results in inflammation of the tissues on the outside of the knee. It can be caused by abnormal biomechanics, excessive pronation of the feet and an imbalance in the pelvis. It occurs commonly with a sudden increase in long-distance running.

Symptoms include: Pain on the outside of the knee, normally during activity. The pain usually starts while running especially downhill running. Pain may be very sharp and may stop you running altogether. Pain can persist for a period after exercise has ceased. There is also tenderness over the outside of the knee.

Management includes: Rest or relative rest from running. Ice Therapy or cryo therapy and physiotherapy. Full assessment of your running shoes by an expert. Once back on the road, one should always start off slowly, running only until pain starts,running on level ground and trying to avoid downhills.

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