The Djo Procare Pro Night Splint offers a gentle stretch to relieve symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Its soft, padded thermoplastic dorsal shell holds the foot in a neutral, 90-degree position, providing moderate stretch and optimal comfort. This low-profile, comfortable night splint is easy to apply, with strap closures around the foot and calf and an open heel design for minimal, safe ambulation as needed. Available in two sizes to fit both right and left feet, it ensures effective support and pain relief during the night.
The Djo Procare Prowedge Night Splint helps treat Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis. It has a curved back shell that supports your foot in a raised position. The liner can be removed & washed. This splint fits both the right and left foot.
The Djo Procare Surround Ankle Brace offers superior stability by minimizing ankle rotation. Featuring two polypropylene outer shells connected with a soft, adjustable foot piece, it ensures a customized fit. A unique bladder filled with small microspheres provides uniform compression without pressure displacement to bony prominences. Suitable for both right and left ankles, it's ideal for addressing acute ankle sprains, chronic ankle instabilities, and osteoarthritis, ensuring effective support and comfort during the recovery process.
The Djo Procare Xceltrax Air Ankle Brace is an easy-to-use, lightweight brace designed to support ankle sprains, fractures, and foot injuries. It is comfortable and has built-in straps & cushioned soles that aid in recovery.
The Hallux Valgus Articulating Splint features a fabric-lined bunion corrector that uses an adjustable Velcro strap for comfort. The splint should be worn at night to reduce pain and stop toe misalignment while helping the foot return to its natural form. Fits left or right foot.
The Spandex double strap support is for ankles and arches, eliminating the need for bulky tapes and saving time. It offers compression on both sides of the ankle with a plushback Velcro strap for even pressure and breathability, as well as for healthy ankles & previous injuries.