Bort Pregnancy Support's fabric lets air through and stretches easily, and there's a big Velcro closure. Plus, it has a stretchy strap for adjusting to different belly sizes. It helps ease back pain.
Pavis Prostatic Cushion is made of special foam that adjusts to your body shape. It has parts that help reduce pressure on certain points of your body. There's a hole in the middle to keep the area around your bottom and genitals cool and prevent pressure. It's good for people with prostate or hemorrhoid problems, who've had surgery in the pelvic or bottom area, pregnant women, new moms, or anyone who sits for a long time. It comes with a cover that keeps it dry. Its size is 42 x 36 x 8.5 cm.
The Pregnancy Support belt delivers stretch cotton fabric-based support that remains lightweight and breathable. It provides stretch cotton fabric that eases lower back strain & prevents overstretching while remaining discreet under clothing for daily comfort.