Slip On Ankle Compression sleeve made from beige, knitted elastic material. This Ankle compression sleeve is used to provide support during physical activities or for managing various ankle conditions. The knitted taper suggests that it's contoured to fit the shape of the ankle well. Ankle compression sleeves like this are often used for support during physical activities or for managing various ankle conditions.
Sportec Ankle Compression is a comprehensive solution for those seeking support and comfort during physical activity. Its medical-grade compression provides targeted pressure to promote circulation, aiding in the removal of lactic acid from muscles and facilitating faster recovery. The progressive pressure gradient from the foot to the calf enhances circulation efficiency, ensuring maximum endurance and reduced muscle fatigue.
ST&G Meridian Ankle Joint Pediatric is made of strong stainless steel. It's designed to be sleek and not bulky, so it's lightweight and tough. You can adjust it to move in many different angles without needing to change parts. This joint lets you fine-tune the angle precisely and can lock in any position from pointing your toes down to lifting them up. People use the Meridian Ankle Joint in various types of ankle braces, like ones that help with contractures or reduce muscle tone.
a lace up ankle brace for extra support. Designed for active sports such as soccer, basketball etc.
Step-On 100 Medial AFO is a special shoe insert made from plastic. It helps people walk better by supporting their ankle movement. It's good for people with ankle problems that can't be fixed and have a bone sticking out on the side of their ankle.