The affordable choice for every cat.
The affordable choice for every cat.
The K&H Thermo-Kitty Duplex is a perfect choice for providing your cats with a heated & versatile sleeping area that includes two distinct lounging options; a cozying interior for cats who love to snuggle up in enclosed spaces and a cushioned top surface for those who prefer stretching out while staying warm.
The K&H Thermo-Kitty Duplex is a perfect choice for providing your cats with a heated & versatile sleeping area that includes two distinct lounging options; a cozying interior for cats who love to snuggle up in enclosed spaces and a cushioned top surface for those who prefer stretching out while staying warm.
Some cool cats are just to hip for a regular bed.
Some cool cats are just too hip for a regular bed.
Some cool cats are just too hip for a regular bed.
Some cool cats are just to hip for a regular bed.